About Us

Student Legal Service offers legal advice and representation to Student Service Fee paying University of Minnesota-Twin Cities students. We also provide educational programming on legal issues to students, staff, faculty, and the community. 

At SLS, we have six full time attorneys, two paralegals, two support staff, one law clerk, and two student employees. Because we are an office just for U of M students, we are able to focus our practice on the legal issues that are often unique to students.


Student Legal Services provides high-quality legal services and education that supports student success.


  • Provide unparalleled legal service, advocacy, and representation
  • Enhance students’ learning environment and support student retention
  • Facilitate results-oriented programming and community engagement initiatives 
  • Create a sustainable program that meets the needs of students


Student Legal Service Office Location

160 West Bank Skyway
219 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55455

For University of Minnesota students: Our office is located in the West Bank Skyway, which is located between Willey and Blegen Halls, on the west bank of campus.

E: [email protected]
P: (612) 624-1001
F: (612) 624-7351

Office Hours

The SLS office is open in-person Monday through Friday, from 9:00am to 2:00pm, except on University holidays. Outside of these hours, please connect with our office by email at [email protected], or leave us a voice mail at 612-624-1001.

Administrative staff monitor both the email and voice mail between 8:30am and 4:30pm. Appointment hours vary according attorney and legal staff schedules. 
